A dry bag is important outdoor equipment that you should have. It keeps your valuables dry in wet conditions. Whatever you do – kayaking, diving, island hopping, boat rides, hiking, etc. – dry bag can keep your things safe and dry. What makes a high quality dry bag?
A dry bag is intended to be watertight no matter what the situation is. However, the way it is sealed is a huge factor why water doesn’t come inside.
How to close a dry bag is easy bitsy. Fold its roll top edges down and lock the two release buckles together to keep it sealed.
Dry bags come in different capacity and sizes – waterproof pouch, lightweight, PVC dry bag, heavyweight, holdalls, and rucksacks. Consider the things that you need to keep dry on outdoor activities and determine which type of dry bags can accommodate them.
The most commonly used type of dry bag is the lightweight dry bag. Lightweight dry bags have the capacity from 1 liter to 80 liters. Want to know a good brand of a lightweight dry bag? The OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag.
It has unique features and is made of good quality materials that do not easily get ripped or worn out. Here are the features, pros, and cons of the OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag.
OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag
The OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag is made of high quality material 500D PVC that is double stitched and has tape sealed seams. The construction guarantees waterproof. It stays strong and intact during any outdoor activity such as camping, hiking, water rafting, snowboarding, and a lot more.
The capacity of OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag is large enough for keeping all your things dry and storing it safely. You can put clothes, towels, food, and other things that can be accommodated in a 20L capacity.
OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag has an IPX8 certified waterproof phone case. It can hold up to 7×4” smart phone so you can still use your phone even in the water.
The OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag comes with dual shoulder straps so you can carry it anyhow you are comfortable with. It fits all body types because these shoulder straps are adjustable.
The OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag package comes with complete accessories, such as the two adjustable shoulder straps, IPX8 waterproof phone case, and 2 drawstring bags that can be used for keeping small sized valuables.
The OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag is easy to seal. Just fold the end opening three times and snap the buckle. It is simple but comes in different colors – orange bag and black case, and blue bag and blue case – each of which costs more than the blue bag only or orange bag only.
Pros and cons
The pros and cons of the OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag are listed below. Some of them are based on costumer’s feedbacks.
- Very durable
- Comes with useful accessories
- Waterproof phone case
- Well made
- Easy to use
- Multipurpose
- Comes in two different colors
- Just the right size
- Affordable
- Easy to seal
- Comfortably fits to any body type
- Doesn’t stay closed for long
When it comes to buying a good quality kind of dry bag, it is important to know which material it is made up of. Dry bags are usually made from two kinds of materials: vinyl or nylon.
Vinyl is used for small dry bags, while nylon is used for larger ones. Nylon is more durable than vinyl. Nylon dry bags are usually identified by some numbers following by a letter D.
The OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag is made of durable PVC nylon material which can last for years and withstand pressure and extreme outdoor activities. It can fit many things because of its 20L capacity.
For an affordable price, the OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag is very worth it. It even comes with two pouches and a waterproof phone case. The two shoulder straps are adjustable and make the dry bag comfortable.
However, one user shared that OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag didn’t stay closed for long periods. This is just one flaw among the many positive feedbacks. Many users are pleased with the construction, comfort, and the capacity of OXA 20L Waterproof Dry Bag.
No wonder this dry bag gets 4.5 stars in an online store. It is an affordable bag that surely keeps your things safe and dry.