There is no doubt that trekking and going to the outdoors to have a taste of the outside world is one of the best things that we can do to relieve ourselves from the pressure and stress of the urban life. However, the most common problem when we have outdoor activities such as camping, going on a mountain climbing, or going to the beach, is that it’s hard to carry our things with us.
Yes, it’s a hassle to carry them along with us especially because the chances of them getting wet are high. Fortunately, there are these waterproof bags called dry bags.
What is a Dry Bag?
Dry bags are flexible containers that are very effective in ensuring that water won’t come inside the bag. It is a waterproof container that is usually used for outdoor activities such as canoeing, kayaking, rafting, or even simply going to the beach.
These bags are very useful because it can store electronic devices and other sensitive things without getting them wet. There are a lot of dry bag brands in the market today.
However, if you’re on a tight budget, you can always make yourself a dry bag.
Important Reminders Before Making a Dry Bag
Making a dry bag is not an easy task, though it is doable by anyone as long as you have the right knowledge and materials. Here are most important reminders that you should remember before you start making one:
Mental and Physical Preparedness
Before you start making a dry bag, you should first see to it that you are mentally and physically prepared. Expect that you are going to embark on an activity that involves a lot of intricate details where you will exert a lot of effort and precision.
You need to know how to properly because you’ll be sewing a lot making a dry bag.
Free Yourself From Other Chores
The very first thing that you should consider is your focus. See to it that you won’t multitask making a dry bag with some other task or household chores.
This would only increase the chances of having errors in making your dry bag. You need to be dedicated when you are making one.
Maintain a Professional Outlook
Making your own dry bag is not just a simple task that comes straight out of an idea or a plain old hobby. Making a dry bag is a complex task that requires the right knowledge and skill, as well as a proper working environment.
When you are making a dry bag, see to it that you are in a room where there are no distractions that might bug you. Think of it as working in an office or in a factory where you need to act professionally to have an outstanding final output.
Things You Need
- scissors
- cigarette lighter
- cloth or any durable fabric
- plastic clips that have a side release buckle (male and female)
- liquid spray bottle
- webbing
The Process of Making Your Own Dry Bag
Now that you have fully prepared yourself for making a dry bag, as well as have the required materials and things, you can now proceed to the process of making the dry bag.
Here are the steps:
Step #1
The first thing you need to do is to fold the hem to around 2cm above its edge. This will serve as the part that you will sew in making a slot. Stitch it to the middle portion so that you’ll have two pockets.
Step #2
You then need to sew the two plastic clips (male and female) to the webbing. Ensure that one is clipped in every end. You can also use the lighter to remove the webbing edges. This helps in stopping the fraying.
Step #3
You can now then stitch the webbing onto the top edge pocket. This gives clearance to enable more stitching as you progress.
Step #4
Create cuts along the fabric’s edges. It is preferable if you do this on the part where you’ll be putting the base on. This will help you to attach the curved edges later on easily.
Step #5
Create stitches that tack onto each other. This will place the disc on the main body of the bag.
Step #6
Insert the webbing that you have by sewing it on the edges. It is recommended if you use a sewing machine.
Step #7
The stiffeners should then be inserted into the top slots. This will see to it that the seams won’t be damaged. This is also where the durability of your dry bag relies on, which is why you should see to it that this step is properly done.
Step #8
Close its tube by sewing along. Double check all of the stitches, as well as the connected fabrics. This is the final step and will serve as the quality check for your DIY dry bag.
Upgrading to a Fully Waterproof Dry Bag
The steps above and process in making a dry bag ensure that your things are safe from water, as water cannot easily get inside it. However, the dry bag that you have just made by following the previous instructions doesn’t assure you that it will be waterproof for an extended amount of time, such as for a couple of hours.
If you are planning to have an outdoor trekking near a body of water throughout the day, you can just follow the steps above, but you can use a heat-sealable waterproof material, instead of the standard cloth or fabric that you’ll use. This material makes a big difference.
With all of these being said, one can clearly see how useful a dry bag is. It’s the perfect outdoor or trekking companion as it keeps your electronic devices and sensitive items safe from water.
What’s best about this is that you can just make one yourself. Just follow the given steps, and there’s no doubt that you’ll surely make the best DIY dry bag that perfectly fits your needs.